Tuesday, August 25, 2020
The Layers of Mrs. Dubose in To Kill a Mockingbird Essay -- Kill Mocki
The Layers of Mrs. Dubose in To Kill a Mockingbird   â â â Toothpaste: it is comprised of such a large number of various fixings. You can take a gander at a container of toothpaste, study it, watch the shades of the plastic compartment and notice the size and state of it. You can figure all you need what's within, however you will never know until it is crushed. Individuals: they are comprised of such a significant number of various things. You can see them, study their practices, and watch their appearances. You can make numerous presumptions about what they're similar to within, yet you will never know their actual character until they are pressed. At the point when an individual is placed in a tight position it doesn't make their character, it uncovered it. In Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird there are a few characters that are available all through the book, yet one appears to show up all of a sudden in section eleven. Her name is Mrs. Dubose, and she has a fascinating character. It has a few layers that nearly should be s tripped away like an onion. Honesty is only one of the various layers of her character. Trustworthiness is the way an individual responds when they are being pressed. Mrs. Dubose has an exclusive requirement of ethics and she is consistent with them- - she strolls her discussion. She pays special mind to individuals other than herself. She is resolved. Mrs. Dubose is unquestioningly a lady of trustworthiness.  Mrs. Dubose shows uprightness by going to bat for her convictions. She has self-designated herself as the habits police, as per the principles she was raised with. The manner in which she was brought up youngsters were required to regard their folks and different seniors. Mrs. Dubose tries to call the children on it at whatever point they are carrying on of line as per her qualities. She shouts at Scout t... ...her life, a period that can be forlorn for an individual. It could be said, she is being crushed, similar to a container of toothpaste- - yet she remains solid. She despite everything keeps every one of her qualities, rather than tossing them out the window. Mrs. Dubose doesn't simply lounge around and watch the world go on, she attempts to have any kind of effect. She doesn't set up herself a pity party, troubling others with her issues. Rather, she chooses to make the most out of the time she has left in her life. She chooses to improve her life with the goal that she can kick the bucket having made every second count. Mrs. Dubose, in the entirety of her uprightness, is the most delicious sort of toothpaste there is.  Works Cited Johnson, Claudia. The Minor Charaters of Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird. Studies in American Fiction (1991):129-139. Lee, Harper. To Kill a Mockingbird. New York City, NY: J.B.Lippincott Company, 1990. The Layers of Mrs. Dubose in To Kill a Mockingbird Essay - Kill Mocki The Layers of Mrs. Dubose in To Kill a Mockingbird   â â â Toothpaste: it is comprised of such huge numbers of various fixings. You can take a gander at a container of toothpaste, study it, watch the shades of the plastic compartment and notice the size and state of it. You can figure all you need what's within, yet you will never know until it is pressed. Individuals: they are comprised of such a large number of various things. You can see them, study their practices, and watch their appearances. You can make numerous presumptions about what they're similar to within, however you will never know their actual character until they are pressed. At the point when an individual is placed in a tight position it doesn't make their character, it uncovered it. In Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird there are a few characters that are available all through the book, yet one appears to show up out of the blue in section eleven. Her name is Mrs. Dubose, and she has an intriguing character. It has a few layers that nearly should be stripped away like an onion. Respectability is only one of the various layers of her character. Respectability is the manner by which an individual responds when they are being pressed. Mrs. Dubose has an elevated requirement of ethics and she is consistent with them- - she strolls her discussion. She pays special mind to individuals other than herself. She is resolved. Mrs. Dubose is unquestioningly a lady of honesty.  Mrs. Dubose shows honesty by going to bat for her convictions. She has self-designated herself as the habits police, as indicated by the principles she was raised with. The manner in which she was brought up kids were relied upon to regard their folks and different seniors. Mrs. Dubose tries to call the children on it at whatever point they are carrying on of line as indicated by her qualities. She shouts at Scout t... ...her life, a period that can be desolate for an individual. It could be said, she is being crushed, similar to a container of toothpaste- - yet she remains solid. She despite everything keeps every one of her qualities, rather than tossing them out the window. Mrs. Dubose doesn't simply lounge around and watch the world go on, she attempts to have any kind of effect. She doesn't set up herself a pity party, troubling others with her issues. Rather, she chooses to make the most out of the time she has left in her life. She chooses to improve her life with the goal that she can bite the dust having made every moment count. Mrs. Dubose, in the entirety of her trustworthiness, is the most delectable sort of toothpaste there is.  Works Cited Johnson, Claudia. The Minor Charaters of Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird. Studies in American Fiction (1991):129-139. Lee, Harper. To Kill a Mockingbird. New York City, NY: J.B.Lippincott Company, 1990.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Full Faith and Credit Clause
I think the most overwhelming subject that strikes a chord including the Full Faith and Credit Clause of the U. S. Constitution revolves around â€Å"same-sex relationships. †The contention in this issue bases on whether a gay couple who gets hitched in Massachusetts would/ought to be perceived as legitimately wedded in some other state they move to. I am certain the composers of the Constitution would never have envisioned that some 200+ years after the fact, that the first expectation of Article IV Section 1 of the Constitution, the â€Å"Full Faith and Credit Clause,†might experience the investigation it has needed to suffer as of late. The word â€Å"marriage†implies just a legitimate relationship between one man and one lady as a couple, and the word â€Å"spouse†alludes just to an individual of the other gender who is a husband or a wife. The Constitution explicitly outlines that no State will be required to offer impact to any open demonstration, record, or legal continuing of some other State regarding a connection between people of a similar sex that is treated as a marriage under the laws of some other State, or any privilege or case emerging from such relationship. In the event that â€Å"same-sex marriages†have gotten legitimately satisfactory in certain states, at that point those couples ought to appreciate those advantages in the states wherein they are viewed as lawful. States are allowed the option to decide those laws that have impact on their own residents, and, should a gay wedded couple wish to dwell in a state where same-sex relationships are not legitimate by law in that state, at that point they should acknowledge the law in that state as authoritative on them. Any express that decides to not perceive same-sex relationships inside their own constitution absolutely has that directly under the Full Faith and Credit Clause. Until at such time somebody figures out how to challenge the lawfulness of the Clause, gay couples should leave themselves having the option to rehearse their picked way of life, yet without the advantages of such association in states where it is considered illicit. In further help of this issue, I accept that the Defense Of Marriage Act (DOMA) (1996) is illegal all over. DOMA abuses standards of equivalent insurance and fair treatment. A solid case can likewise be made that DOMA manhandles the Full Faith and Credit Clause and contradicts central standards of federalism. Since there are moderately comparable laws authorized in each of the 50 states, with just little contrasts between the greater part of them, I see no explanation that the Full Faith and Credit Clause ought to be held material to the issue of same-sex relationships. I think that its hard to envision how the Court could discover barring same-sex couples from the meaning of marriage unlawful without making an established prerequisite that equivalent sex couples be permitted to wed. In this manner, I accept that the Constitution ensures all of us the option to decide to wed the one we love. The way that they are of a similar sex ought not deny those people of similar rights and benefits of different residents simply on the grounds that it abuses a few people ethics or convictions. Since the Constitution itself doesn't really portray the meaning of marriage, I accept that all endeavors that deny gay individuals certain rights not in any case denied of others damages the soul of the Constitution, and misuses the Full Faith and Credit Clause in that.
Wednesday, August 5, 2020
Keep it simple, stupid
Keep it simple, stupid Yes, Ive read a bunch of books since my last post. No, I didnt feel like writing about them. Ill be back at school soon, where Ill actually have cool things to talk about. Im sure youre all excited. In the meantime, heres my latest MIT-induced headache: So I had this semi-epiphany where I kind of sort of maybe started thinking about majoring in 2A tailored for robotics. I started trying to re-work my fall schedule. I had this big list of about 10 different class combinations and had narrowed it down to a select few. My ideal schedule looked something like this: 2.001- Mechanics and Materials 6.081- Intro to EECS 8.033- General Relativity 24.900- Intro to Linguistics Only, as it turns out, 6.081, 8.033, and 24.900 are all at the exact same freaking time. Im not even joking. Of all of the hundreds (thousands?) of classes offered at MIT, three of the four I picked all have the same schedule. This kind of sucked, and opened up the floodgates of my hatred for those stupid HASS requirements. On the plus side, this led to a really funny conversation where I tried to explain all of this to my mom. Well, see I really wanted to take 24.900 because not only am I interested in the subject, but it fulfills two HASS requirements at once. On the other hand, it is offered every semester, so its not too big of a deal if I dont take it now. Id love to take 8.033 because Im really interested in it and I may minor in that subject, but its not a priority. The only thing is that its only offered in the fall, so if I dont take it now Ill have to wait until next year. At the same time, 6.081 is an experimental class, so its a complete wildcard, but given my new ideas about what I want to do with my life, it may or may not be required for my major. Mom: So take 24.900, it fulfills all the requirements. Laura: Yeah but I can just take it next semester so that may not be the best option. Mom: So take 8.033, if its only offered once a year. Laura: Well I may not even need that class, its not required for anything Im actually doing as of right now. Mom: Well screw that, take that one that starts with a 6 then. Laura: Listen, its not as simple as you just telling me what to take, ok? *pause* Mom: Hey Laura? Laura: Yeah? Mom: Could you just tell me what these classes are? The bottom line of the story is that I originally had about ten options. After narrowing it down to two or three, I realized there was a conflict, so I had to redo it. Now Im up to 17 combinations. I exaggerate, of course. Well, there technically are 17 different possible combinations at this point, but thats because I have seven HASS classes Im considering and havent narrowed it down yet. Of course, I do have it broken down into categories- those which fulfill a distribution requirement, those which fufill a communications requirement, those which will help towards one concentration Im considering (writing), and those which will count towards the other concentration Im considering (theater arts). This would all be so, so much simpler if only the HASS requirements werent so *!?$%^! stupid. Arrr. One really cool thing I stumbled across was 21M.604J. Take note, useful information here: the J at the end of the subject number indicates that this class is exactly the same as a class in a different major. Basically, 21M.604J = 21W.754J. Its a class in playwrighting, which means that it can count towards a concentration in either writing or theater arts, which is really cool considering I havent actually chosen between these two yet. =) In any case, its getting complicated. Here are the HASS classes Im thinking about: 17.20: Introduction to the American Political Process (HASS-D, CI-H) Studies American government, emphasizing the institutions of government and the representation of competing interests. Topics include the founding, constitutional interpretation, legislative processes, presidential power, public opinion and voting, group mobilization, political steering of the bureaucracy and the economy, and federalism. 17.30: Making Public Policy (HASS-D, CI-H) Examines how the struggle among competing advocates shapes the outputs of government. Considers how conditions become problems for government to solve, why some political arguments are more persuasive than others, why some policy tools are preferred over others, and whether policies achieve their goals. Investigates the interactions among elected officials, think tanks, interest groups, the media, and the public in controversies over global warming, urban sprawl, Social Security, health care, education, and other issues. 17.50: Introduction to Comparative Politics (HASS-D, CI-H) Examines why democracy emerges and survives in some countries rather than in others; how political institutions affect economic development; and how American politics compares to that of other countries. Reviews economic, cultural, and institutional explanations for political outcomes. Provides detailed examination of politics in the US, Germany, Italy, Mexico, and Iraq, with less detailed discussion of other countries in different regions of the world. 21M.600: Introduction to Acting Explores the actors tools: body, voice, mind, imagination, and the essential self. Through studio exercises, students address issues of honesty and creativity in the theatrical moment, and begin to have a sense of their strengths and limitations as communicating theatrical artists. Provides an opportunity for students to discover their relationship to the other in the acting partner, the group, the environment, and the audience. 21M.604J/21W.754J: Playwriting I Introduces the craft of writing for the theater. Through weekly assignments, in class writing exercises, and work on a sustained piece, students explore scene structure, action, events, voice, and dialogue. Examine produced playscripts and discuss student work. Emphasis on process, risk-taking, and finding ones own voice and vision. 21M.611: Foundations of Theater Practice Introduces the ideas, skills, and aesthetic issues which comprise the creation of the theatrical event. Guest artists and faculty members introduce the work of different disciplines such as directing, stagecraft, design, acting, dramaturgy, and criticism. Readings, in-class exercises, and scheduled work in design and/or performance studios help students understand and experience the basic creative impulse in each area. Each student develops a portfolio of analysis and research. 21W.755: Writing and Reading Short Stories Introduction to the short story. Students write stories and short descriptive sketches. Readings from European and American stories from the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries. Class discussion of students writing and of the assigned stories in their historical and social contexts. What do you think?
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Chapter3 Methodology - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 8 Words: 2453 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Statistics Essay Type Research paper Did you like this example? Chapter3: Methodology Introduction This chapter will focus on the research framework and design, the hypotheses formulation and research method. This methodology will base on motivational theories analysis of Maharaj Rock Quarry Company to determine the research aim and objectives. The process of primary and secondary including statistical method will be discussed. In addition, this research will use a pilot survey in order to provide reliability and validity. 3.1. Research framework, design and formulation of hypothesis The research design The stage of the research process is briefly explained below. The figure demonstrates the decision making that researcher must take in every phase of the process of the research. The research process is begin with discovering the problem and explanation. Figure A research process flowchart Source developed from Zikmund 1994 pp. 38 This research begins with discover the problem that some of the employees at Maharaj Rock Quarry are lack of motivation. This problem leads to decreasing in job quality and production process. After discover the problem, a clear objective and definite design are created to make the research more efficient. The problem definition stage of the research process is probably the most significant stage; however; it is commonly ignored from many researchers (Zikmund, 2000). Exploratory research then conducted throughout the beginning stage of the research process. By analyzing any previous research on employees motivation, by communicating with knowledge persons, and by casually examining the situation, the researcher can increasingly sharpen the concepts. The four major categories of technique to gaining insights and obtaining a clearer concept of a difficulty contain analyzing in secondary data, pilot studies, case studies and experience surveys. Secondary data related to motivation at work are collected. The inside information from the company, articles and books discussing theories and previous empirical studies about employees work motivation are also gathered. Zikmund (1994) found that secondary data usually be collected faster and lower cost than primary data. Conversely, secondary data maybe outdated or possibly will not precisely reach the objective of the researcher.#3605;#3656;#3629; pilot study Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Chapter3: Methodology" essay for you Create order 3.3 Data Collection Method In this research, researcher collected information to meets the research objective. Therefore, the literature review and related data are collected by using both primary data and secondary data. 3.3.1 Primary data Primary data is created to resolve the specific problem to investigate (McDaniel and Gates, 2007). Wilson (2006) stated that there are three key processes of gather primary data. Firstly, he called a process of observation, qualitative and quantitative research. Those process may be either separate or join together. From Table 3.1, quantitative research is suitable for this particular model as this research contain limited probing, with using of questionnaire and decision model. Table 3.1: The differences between Qualitative and Quantitative (McDaniel and Gates, 2007) A structured approach is used with sample of potential respondents to produce scientific insights into employees motivation at Maharaj Rock Quarry. Survey method was chosen to collect information. As Zikmund (1994) claimed that survey lsquo;is a research technique in which information is gathered from a sample of people by use of questionnaire; a method of data collection based on communication with a representa tive sample of individuals. He also emphasised that there are many advantages of surveys method. Surveys present quick, efficient and inexpensive of measuring information of the respondents. However there are some errors in survey research and the two main causes of error in survey are lsquo;random sampling error and systematic error. Figure present the a variety of survey error form. #3651;#3627;#3657;#3607;#3619;#3634;#3618;#3607;#3635;#3619;#3641;#3611;#3651;#3627;#3657;#3627;#3609;#3656;#3629;#3618;#3588;#3656;#3632; Figure Tree diagram of Total Survey Error Source: developed from Zikmund 1994 pp. 172 According to figure , this suvey might have some error 3.3.2 Secondary data K.Jear Secondary data has been written or printed by researchers for distinctive purpose that might be relevant to research problem (William, 2003). In the meantime, secondary data provides necessary background information and builds credibility in this study such as definition, industry data, and reference which are important for the beginning of this study (McDaniel and Gates, 2007). The advantages of secondary data are convenience and spend less cost and time when compare with primary data collection. Apart from this, the secondary data helps to clarify research needed while carrying out this research. The secondary data was gathered through the secondary research methodology which obtained information from previous source and documents. By doing this, the secondary data was available in reports of various organisations, internet, and literature materials such as books and academic research. The main source of knowledge and information is the text books that provide basic theo ry and definition of the targeted subject. From time to time, the authors often have different attitudes and opinions on particular issue. However, there is a main stream of theory which is thought to be typical because it was shared and accepted by the most authors. Many books demonstrated theories by cases and experience support. One disadvantage of the text books is that some of their information might be old-fashioned or out-of-date. Although some theories are old, they are classic models that are useful for many years. Several new theories were not be publicised immediately because they need to be tested, argued, evaluated, and written systematically into text books. Therefore, the text books provided only some reliable theories for this study, even though they are not the up-dated information. In addition, internet providing secondary information has become more visible and accessible to the researcher. Researchers have used such search engine which is now being popular among computer users to look for the needed information. Google and Google Scholar allow users to enter key words and to search for databases on their websites. However, search engine found many irrelevant articles and databases. Several journals provided new concept, idea, and recent information in different criteria and made them available in the form of electronic database. Academic journal is the most important source to get research findings and useful information that used in this study. The Brunel University supports its students and researchers by providing valuable resources such as books, journals, and databases. Athens account can access to electronic database which is the easiest and fastest way. Researcher used the key word lsquo;work motivation, lsquo;rewards system, and lsquo;employees satisfaction to find the needed articles from over thousand journals. Those included Human Resource Management International Digest, Journal of Managerial Psychology, European Jou rnal of Innovation Management, and Employee Relations The problem of using the journals is that the most articles aim to release the latest findings and information. Thus, it might lead to the lack of information validity and reliability in some area. Impact factor provides quantitative tools for ranking, evaluating, categorizing, and comparing journals. It is a measurement of the incidence in which an article in a journal has been cited in a particular period. However, impact factor apply only to journals, not articles or researchers. There is misuse in evaluating individual because a wide variation from article to article within a single journal. The limitations of secondary data, the fact that information was not designed particularly to meet this studys need. The collection of data was not controlled the accuracy of the secondary data such as gathering, codes, and data analysis. In addition, it might be biased to support the vested interest of source. Based on secondary data, there are vital theories, framework, and recent information for this research. Nevertheless, the availability, the accuracy, the validity and the reliability are frequently involved all these data collection. The secondary data is insufficient for the conducting of this research. Hence, this research needs more primary supporting data to ensure that the result of research findings are valuable and reliable (Malhotra, 2007). 3.4 Population and Sampling As Cooper and Schindler(2000) asserted that population is the whole group of basics concerning what the researchers desire to shape out the results and finding. Thus, the chosen group of people has to be a good quality representative of the population (Grimm, 1993). 3.5 Questionnaire design Relevance and accuracy are the two fundamental criterions to be reached whether the questionnaire is to meet the researchs objectives. The questionnaire was designed systematically by made quite a few decisions as listed below (Zikmund 2000) o What should be asked? o How should each question be phrased? o In what sequence should the question be arranged? o What questionnaire layout will best serve the research objective? o How should the questionnaire be pretested? Does the questionnaire need to revised? For asking the respondents a specific question and gave them a particular alternative to help them make a quick decisions, close-ended question was used (Aaker and Day, 1990). In addition, the questionnaires were made in both Thai and English versions as mean to bring the participants have deeper and clearer understanding in the questions. The questionnaire contains 10 questions and was classified into two main area (see in Appendix 1). As the instruction can support the participants to complete questionnaire, the researchs objective was noticeably described. An explanation of respondents voluntary and confident was provided by encoding information to numeric form. Finally, the most significant part is individual opinion, and therefore, this study can minimize biased response by stressed that there is no right or wrong answers. The questionnaire can be categorized into four sections as shown in table 3.6 Pilot test and Alterations K. Jear Pilot testing or pre-testing is a self-administered questionnaire survey that is tested in full range of questions. The purpose is to identify problem in the questionnaire, eliminate research design fault, and to measure the practical, format and completion time (Ghauri and Gronhaug, 2002; Wilson, 2006). This testing can ensure that respondent understand all questions and questionnaires consist of full targeted information. It also can articulate whether the method chosen for the use in a research program is adequate to meet the research objectives (Ghauri and Gronhaug, 2003). It is important to prove questionnaire which is carried out in this research is consistent and able to do actual research. The questionnaire was conducted by sending the email survey to a small group of sample of the population. The participants were chosen by judgment of the sample in which investigator regards as the most appropriate in this research. All of them have to work at Maharaj Rock Quarry Compa ny with different ages and work experience. Ten pilot survey with difference ages and work experience was conducted. This may provide difference idea of rewards toward work motivation. 3.7 Validity and Reliability The research which provided opportune correct and clear information is an ideal research(McDaniel and Gates, 2007). Finn et al (2000). stated that research is assessed by using a validity and reliability to guarantee adequacy of attitude scales. This research used lsquo;Cronbachs alpha technique which basically calculate the average reliability coefficient. This technique calculates the standard intercorrelations between items to concept (McDaniel and Gates, 2007 ; Bryman and Cramer, 2995). Generally, alpha score less than 0.60 represents a lack of reliability, the alpha which can acceptable should be between 0.7-0.8 ranges, and over 0.8 is more internally reliable (Saunders et al., 2007 ; Cronbach, 1990 ). Sekaran (2003) stated that 10-20 respondents were appropriate for a pilot study;thus, ten questionnaires were carried out as a pilot survey. According to pilot surveys, the reliability coefficient alpha for 10 variables is 0.819 (Appendix 2a), therefore, this questionnaire is acceptable and appropriate to conduct actual research. 3.8 Method of Analysis (SPSS) The data collected in the questionnaires administered for this study were analyzed using SPSS (statistical package for Social Science) version 13.0. The alpha level is 0.05.Likert scale technique was used in order to achieve an appropriate measurement of the respondents attitude toward job satisfaction and motivation. Pearsons correlation was used to examine the correlation concerning variables in the research framework. Then, multiple-regression is used to investigate the relationship between independent and dependent variables. 3.9 Limitations of the survey Limitation occurred in the survey could affect the result of the research. In this study, there were three core possible limitations which are method of data collection, answers given by the respondents and questionnaires. Firstly, selected approach for data collection was one of the limitations. As Schaefer and Dillman (1998) agreed that although World Wide Web technology is more prevalent in surveying methods, there is still some disadvantage of it. Nevertheless, due to this research focus on online purchasing behavior, gathering data by merely through online could lead to biasness. To a large extent, sending out online questionnaires to respondents could produce narrowed scope of sample group. It is obvious that people who response the online questionnaires seem to be respondents whose life styles are already online. As a result, it could have an influence on biasness as it eliminates the opportunities to collect data from other people who do not have or do not want to have onli ne access. In this case, thus, another data collecting approaches such as face to face interviewing or sending questionnaire by hand delivery instead of web-based communication might bring more efficiency for the research outcome. Secondly, respondents might be a cause of incorrect answers. For one thing, certain respondents are in a hurry, so they might choose the wrong choices by accident, and some of them might in an unstable emotion, then the questionnaires are completed wrongly. Apart from these, there are still having other factors like unreliability of the respondents, their misunderstanding and their prejudice toward online purchasing behavior. Moreover, they may answer the questions roughly without consideration, therefore, the answers that come from these kinds of respondents do not elicit from the real opinion or experience. Lastly, the questionnaire itself could affect the validity and reliability of the research. It is generally agreed that the close-ended questio nnaire is provide less time consuming and ease of use for respondents. On the other side, the multiple choices presented in the questionnaires might not perfectly match to their exact opinions. Accordingly, respondents had to choose one choice that is not an answer they want because they cannot find the answer that actually suits their points of view. 1. #3614;#3609;#3633;#3585;#3591;#3634;#3609;#3652;#3617;#3656;#3585;#3621;#3657;#3634;#3605;#3629;#3610;#3605;#3634;#3617;#3588;#3623;#3634;#3617;#3648;#3611;#3655;#3609;#3592;#3619;#3636;#3591; 2. 3.10 Summary This chapter focused on the research design that appropriate with the research aim and objectives. Several different methods was used as to collect the data both primary and secondary data. The quantitative research is both launched through web hosting site and used of electronic mail. Furthermore, the use of pilot test is to guarantee that the questions are capable to carry out in actual research, to evaluate reliability as a consequence of Cronbach alpha technique and to evaluate proper samples size from statistic formula. The next chapter will analyze data from data collection to test hypotheses from the designed framework.
Monday, May 11, 2020
Rostrum, As Used in Marine Life
The term rostrum is defined as an organism’s beak or a beak-like part. The term is used in reference to cetaceans, crustaceans and some fish. The plural form of this word is rostra. Cetacean Rostrum In cetaceans, the rostrum is the upper jaw or â€Å"snout†of the whale. According to the Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals, the term rostrum also refers to the skull bones in the whale that provide support for the rostrum. Those are the forward (anterior) parts of the maxillary, premaxillary and vomerine bones. Essentially, it is made up of the bones we have between the bottom of our nose and our upper jaw, but the bones are much longer in cetaceans, especially baleen whales. Rostrums look different in toothed whales (odontocetes) versus baleen whales (mysticetes). The toothed whales have a rostrum that is usually dorsally concave, while baleen whales have a rostrum that is ventrally concave.  More simply put, the top part of a toothed whales rostrum is shaped more like a crescent moon, while a baleen whales rostrum is shaped more like an arch. The differences in rostrum structure become pretty evident when viewing images of cetacean skulls, as is shown in the FAO identification guide here. The rostrum in a cetacean is a strong, relatively hard part of the anatomy. Dolphins can even use their rostra to Crustacean Rostrum In a crustacean, the rostrum is the projection of the animals carapace that extends forward of the eyes. It projects from the cephalothorax, which is present in some crustaceans and is the head and thorax together, covered by a carapace. The rostrum is a hard, beak-like structure.  In a lobster, for example, the rostrum projects between the eyes. It looks like a nose, but it is not (lobster smell with their annentules, but thats another topic). Its function is thought to be simply to protect the lobsters eyes, especially when two lobsters have a conflict. The Lobster Rostrums Contribution to History In the 1630s, European warriors wore a lobster tail helmet that had overlapping plates hanging from the back to protect the neck and a nasal bar in the front, modeled after a lobsters rostrum.  Oddly enough, lobster rostrums have also been used as a cure for kidney stones and urinary diseases. In shrimp, the rostrum is also known as the head spine, which is a hard projection between the animals eyes. In barnacles (which are crustaceans but dont have visible eyes like lobsters do, the rostrum is one of the six shell plates that make up the animals exoskeleton. It is the plate located on the anterior end of the barnacle. Fish Rostrum Some fish have body parts that are referred to as a rostrum. These include billfish such as sailfish (the long bill) and sawfish (the saw). Rostrum, As Used in a Sentence When the minke whale surfaces to breathe, its rostrum usually appears first, followed by the top of its head and its back.I needed to pass a kidney stone, so I roasted a lobsters rostrum and then mashed it up and dissolved it in wine. (Yes, this was purportedly a cure for kidney stones in the Middle Ages and Renaissance). Sources American Cetacean Society. Cetacean Curriculum.Accessed October 30, 2015.Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. Crustacean Glossary. Accessed October 30, 2015.Perrin, W.F., Wursig, B. and J.G.M. Thewissen. Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals. Academic Press. p.1366.St. Lawrence Global Observatory. American Lobster - Characteristics. Accessed October 30, 2015.The Lobster Conservancy. 2004. Lobster Biology. Accessed October 30, 2015.University of Bristol. Crustacea. Accessed October 30, 2015.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Cause and Effect on World War 1 Free Essays
Cause and Effect on World War 1 World War One, a huge conflict that sparked in 1914 and lasting all the way until 1918. The war was between the world’s greatest powers as two opposing sides; the Central Powers and the Allies. It was a chain of events that had started this was which consist of key features such as imperialism, alliances, growth of militarism, crisis, and nationalism. We will write a custom essay sample on Cause and Effect on World War 1 or any similar topic only for you Order Now It was the result of these accumulating factors that had eventually evoked war. The effects on World War One included over 8 million deaths, higher taxes, rationing of food, and etc. Imperialist is considered a primary cause of war. With Europe’s growing economy and wealth, rivalries and competition for colonies among European nations were more accepted which ultimately led to unrest. Before the war, Europe was growing prosperity and peace. By 1900’s European powers were in control of most African, Asian, and other continents, showing strong ideas of imperialism. While imperialism showcased European strength it also revealed its dependency. Each country’s prosperity hinged on its ability to maintain and expand its colonial empire. This has created competition among imperialist powers for foreign territory. The British felt endangered by Germany’s fast economic growth. Quickly after that, Germany’s new modern factories largely out produced Britain’s older ones. This was a strong economic reason for Britain to oppose Germany in any disagreement. Territiorial disputes was also an ongoing problem with European countries as the leasders wanted more land and didn’t know who owned land was being taken all the times. Imperialism also divided European nations. Now on to the causes that made a difference or that was important with WW1. What exactly were the causes of World War 1? Sounds like a simple straight to the point question, but it’s definitely not. It was more to what think was the whole cause of World War 1, more than the start of the war than an Austrian prince being murdered in Serbia. Causes of the war also dealt with nationalism, imperialism, and militarism along with the alliance systems in Europe all strongly affected the outbreak of the war. All of these factors where established in many of Europe’s â€Å"Great Powers†which consisted of Great Britain, France, Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Russia. The main cause focused on what I stated above, in the previous sentences. The causes of World War 1 include a growing sense of militarism, which was accompanied by arms race, and imperialism. Imperialism as economic rivalries and competition for colonies among European nations were prevalent. What were the effects on World War 1? This war had a few effects on America society, though the war instigated problems, causing n effect that is negative on the American home front. Americans experienced a lot of problems, like the narrowing of our rights and the war caused a patriotic sense to America that got to the point where people were discriminating people from other backgrounds. †Also, from many soldiers drafted to war more job opportunities were available. Though this seemed like a good thing, negative effects came out of it The war itself left an everlasting impact. After this was women were gaining more rights. They were gaining rights such as voting and sexual equality. The male dominance patriarchal ideas weren’t so strong anymore. The United States entered the war with the mindset of being neutral and isolated. Russia left the war allowing them to deal with the conflicts. The effects of the war included over 8. 5 million deaths, rationing of food and other products, higher taxes, famine, and propaganda war. This war cost billions of dollars and tons of lives. It brought Japan up to Great Power status, which fueled their ambitions in the Far East. It reinforced the American strain of isolationism which led to the Great Depression. War reparations and the harsh peace settlement on Germany made conditions ripe to bring Hitler and the Nazis to power, and the war was the straw that broke the back of the Russian monarchy which allowed the Russian Communists to take power (europeanhistory). †The economic and political effects were so great that World War 1 marks the start of a modern era. With all the effects that took place with World War 1, it then started a new war that lead to World War 2, â€Å"The Cold War. †Works Cited Nash, Gary B. , Julie Roy. Jeffrey, and Allen Yarnell. The American People: Creating a Nation and a Society. New York: Harper Row, 1986. Print. How to cite Cause and Effect on World War 1, Essay examples
Friday, May 1, 2020
Sweet and Sour Served by Kids in the Kitchen free essay sample
This article was written by Tim Soutphommasane and published in The Australian on December 10, 2010 (Soutphommasane, 2010a). According to his website, Dr Soutphommassane is a left-wing, political philosopher and commentator. He is a University of Sydney Postdoctoral Fellow at the Institute for Democracy and Human Rights and School of Social and Political Sciences. He has been a regular columnist for The Australian for ten years. He also writes for the Melbourne Age (Soutphommasane, 2010b). The Australian is a national daily newspaper with a circulation of about 129,363 and a readership of 417,000. It also has an online edition (Space, 2013). This essay will critically examine the arguments in the abovementioned article and, assess the strength of these arguments against theory. The article is an opinion piece about the reality television show, Junior Masterchef. Based on the highly successful Masterchef format, young male and female contestants aged between eight and 12 participate in cooking challenges. At the conclusion of each episode, one contestant is eliminated from the show based on their performance in the kitchen and their execution of the cooking challenges. In the ‘grand final’ one contestant is crowned ‘Junior Masterchef’. According to Soutphommassane, the show attracts 1. 5 million viewers on a Sunday night and is one of Australia’s most popular cooking shows. It is also syndicated to other networks around the world. Clearly, it is a ratings winner for the television network. While 1. million Australians watch Junior Masterchef, Soutphommassane article shows he is clearly uncomfortable with the concept of the show. In his article, he uses all three persuasive techniques: logos or logical arguments; pathos or emotive arguments and ethos or credible arguments (Eunson, 2008). He starts by questioning the ethics behind Junior Masterchef. He disagrees with the premise of the show and does not think that children should be participating in, what is essentially, a format designed for adults. He feels it ‘appears to expose children, some as young as eight, inappropriately to the pressures of a TV compet ition’. Soutphommassane’s argues (Soutphommasane, 2010a) that it is not about children being subjected to a competition where there is a clear winner or loser but ‘perhaps more fundamentally about the loss of a childs innocence’. He goes on to talk about ‘protecting’ a child’s fragile personality from corruption. But let’s examine this argument more closely. To accept this premise, you would firstly need to accept that a ‘child’s personality is fragile’ and secondly, that it needs to be ‘protected from corruption’. Whilst the language, Soutphommassane is using, is, in itself quite cryptic, it is hardly a valid premise as defined by Eunson (Eunson, 2008). One could argue that to prepare a child for the world, means that he or she must be exposed to the realities of competition, discover that losing is not the end of the world and that working hard does not necessarily mean that you will get what you want. Southphommassane then introduces philosopher Joanne Faulkner’s assertion that, as a society, we grossly exaggerate the risks that children are exposed to. We look for dangers and threats to childhood in every sphere of life. Southphommassane appears to agree that it is, indeed, unnecessary to look for such dangers everywhere. He also appears to support Montaignes counsel that ‘it is not right to bring up a child in the lap of his parents’. He then appears to change track and argue that it is the fact that Junior Masterchef involves the deliberate act of pushing children into the lime light that has provoked his discomfort. While it is impossible for parents to protect their children from all the dangers the world may present, they can be held responsible for purposefully inviting such scrutiny of their children by signing them up for a show like Junior Masterchef: â€Å"Though we may reject an all-encompassing ideology of innocence, we shouldnt abandon responsibility for protecting children from harm whether it is physical, psychological or indeed moral. †While he is perhaps trying to construct a logical argument with the referencing of Faulkner, his language is clearly emotive. When it comes to children, the use of the words, ‘innocence’, ‘protection’ and ‘fragile’, all conjure up images of our children being exploited in some way. While he says that he does not think that we need to descend into moral panic over the popularity of Junior Masterchef, the implication is that we need to be concerned. Soutphommassane makes an interesting case against the Junior Masterchef concept. While he goes to great length not to overstate his objection, he still does use some very emotive (pathos) language to make his point. He also ties in some logical arguments (logos) from Faulkner to temper his more emotional language. But at the very heart of his piece is a question about the ethics (ethos) of exposing children to a cut-throat, adult style reality television programme. The question is around whether or not children have the maturity to cope with the format of this show. While parents cannot protect their children from most harsh realities of life, deliberately putting their children in a high pressure, televised competition is very much a stress that could be avoided. If parents have the option to protect their children from such pressures – then shouldn’t they? Soutphommassane presents some robust arguments. His language is very reasonable, rational and thought provoking. He tries hard not to exaggerate or dramatize the potential ‘damage’ that appearing on Junior Masterchef could do. This is an excellent tactic as it does not alienate the fans of the show or make parents feel like they are necessarily doing the wrong thing by their children. Really, he is asking the question. He is opening up a dialogue about whether or not the show is questionable – or not. In conclusion, Soutphommassane constructs a good case. Childhood is preparation for adulthood. All children need to learn about competition, winning and losing, and that we don’t always get what we want in life. But whether that learning has to take place on national (or international) television is a completely separate matter.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Essay Examples on Battle of the Somme Essay Example
Essay Examples on Battle of the Somme Paper 1st Essay Sample on Battle of the Somme The Battle of the Somme lasted from July 1916 to November 1916. It was easily one of the worst battles ever fought. This battle took place at the Somme River,which runs through Europe. The opposing armies fought in a line of trenches over 960 Kilometers long. The trenches stretched from the Belgian Coast to the Frontiers of Switzerland. Although trench warfare was looked highly upon both sides still relied on heavy infantry attacks. Many men were killed between the two opponents areas of territory known as No mans land. Later into the battle, allied forces decided to attack the Western, Eastern,and Italian fronts all at the same time, and the western region of the Somme was chosen for a French and British assault. These plans were destroyed by the German Supreme Commander. He seized control of the city Verdun with heavy artillery and infantry. The German Commander hoped that the French would try to regain control of the city so that he could kill all of their men and, as he said, Bleed France to death, and For the next few months both sides still battled and lost many battle in doing so. We will write a custom essay sample on Essay Examples on Battle of the Somme specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Essay Examples on Battle of the Somme specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Essay Examples on Battle of the Somme specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The fighting kept going until British Commander Sir Douglas Haig told French armies to ease off of Verdun. The new British commander was planning to invade and destroy the enemy lines with a lot more men and a lot more weapons. He was confident that this plan would eliminate the entire enemy line and clear a path to new territory. When the time finally came one hundred thousand men came out of their trenches and stood shoulder to shoulder with their companions,with more the 20 kilograms of equipment, straight through No mans land and right up to the German guns and infantry. St. Johns Road was the trench were all the men were positioned. The soldiers had to run 230 kilometers just to reach their own front line. As they made their way to the German front they had to cross pre-cut British wire. 2nd Essay Sample on Battle of the Somme The aim of this report is to give an overview of the battle of the Somme, and judge the extent to which it can be seen as a success or failure for the allies. The main part will describe the aims and the hidden intensions of the allies. It will also evaluate how far their plans were realized and where they failed. The victories and the defeats of both antagonists will be extensively discussed. Figures and objective circumstances will be analyzed to prove to what extent the battle was decisive for the final outcome of the First World War. Most sources were taken from texts, history books and internet sites which were used as a main source. The battle of the Somme was a joint offensive planned and executed by both the French and British. The idea came from Joseph Joffre, the French Commander and was accepted by Sir Douglas Haig who later took over the operation. It was an attack with the hope to make some kind of territorial gain, and took place in hope to destroy German lines. The French army had been forced to ask help from the British because of their losses in Verdun. This almost lost battle in Verdun caused the French to lose many of their resources. The main aim of the Germans in Verdun was To Bleed France Dry.They chose Verdun because of its symbolic value. A symbol of being a strategic area, which has been fought on for many years between France and Prussia, later to become Germany. The battle of the Somme started on Saturday July the 1st 1916. Haigs strategy was to do eight days of bombing in order to destroy the German front line. He used twenty-seven divisions against the Germans but there were many losses because the bombardment had failed to penetrate the German underground bunkers. Since the Germans were underground, not much had happened to them, while the Allies thought they were going to be able to just Cross the trench area.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
7 Solutions for Sentences with Problematic Parallels
7 Solutions for Sentences with Problematic Parallels 7 Solutions for Sentences with Problematic Parallels 7 Solutions for Sentences with Problematic Parallels By Mark Nichol 1. â€Å"The street is lined with boisterous sports bars, nail salons, and clothing boutiques. Some neighborhood, where nail salons and clothing boutiques can be described as boisterous. Do I misunderstand? I do, because when only the first of several items in a list is given an adjective, it is easily confused as applying to each item in the list. Either omit the adjective, or play fair and supply each item with its own: â€Å"The street is lined with elegant nail salons, trendy clothing boutiques, and boisterous sports bars.†2. â€Å"The process would be confidential, voluntary, and the information would remain the property of the teachers.†The same rule applies for verbs. Either use a verb to apply to all items in a list, or attach a verb to each item. Or, in this case, combine the first two items into a combined item: â€Å"The process would be confidential and voluntary, and the information would remain the property of the teachers.†3. â€Å"The so-called beer summit was photographed, discussed, and dissected on blogs, newscasts, and in barbershops and bars nationwide.†Let’s not forget prepositions. In a list, one preposition carries each item, or each has its own; there’s no middle ground: â€Å"The so-called beer summit was photographed, discussed, and dissected on blogs, during newscasts, and in barbershops and bars nationwide.†(For variety, try to use a different preposition for each item.) 4. â€Å"It would be safer to keep our bushy tree trimmed so that no would-be burglar could hide under it and buy a locked mailbox to help prevent identity theft.†Infinitives want equal standing, too. The original sentence implies that the would-be burglar might buy a locked mailbox after hiding under the bushy tree. The addition of a parallel infinitive after the conjunction linking the two parts of a sentence arrests this infelicity: â€Å"It would be safer to keep our bushy tree trimmed so that no would-be burglar could hide under it and to buy a locked mailbox to help prevent identity theft.†5. â€Å"Legislation is often to blame, not because legislators are bad people but often they act on partial or misleading information.†Two reasons, one invalid and the other valid, are supplied in this sentence. Set them up separately, each with its own because: â€Å"Legislation is often to blame, not because legislators are bad people but because they often act on partial or misleading information.†6. â€Å"The location features stifling heat, bacteria, polluted seas, lice, and bad cuisine.†If you’re going to modify one or most nouns in a list, go all the way and precede each with a pertinent adjective: â€Å"The location features stifling heat, gut-wrenching bacteria, polluted seas, itchy lice, and bad cuisine.†7. â€Å"The afflictions are believed to include autism and learning and hyperactivity disorders.†Is learning a stand-alone item, or does disorders apply to it as well as to hyperactivity? You don’t know until you get to the end of the sentence, when it’s too late. The inclusion of a comma after autism prevents a stumble, and inserting â€Å"as well as†helps link the two remaining list items: â€Å"The afflictions are believed to include autism, as well as learning and hyperactivity disorders.†Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:85 Synonyms for â€Å"Help†Body Parts as Tools of Measurement50 Synonyms for â€Å"Villainâ€
Monday, February 17, 2020
Market target paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Market target paper - Essay Example In addition, LA is also the focal point of the Los Angeles-Long Beach-Riverside, which has cumulative population of over 18 million approximately estimated in 2009 (US Census, 2010). It should be highlighted that the larger the population in a city, the great the derived needs / demand and the greater the market size. In addition, the per capita income across Los Angeles city is nearly $55,000 as estimated in 2010 (Beacon Economics, 2010). The major suppliers of watches to JBR collections will be international corporations with well known brands such as Replica, Rolex, Casio, Citizen, Armani, Adidas, Orient, Omega, Franck Muller, Rado, Raymond Weil, Seiko etc. For instance, the non-branded local and imported watches from India and China of medium to high quality will be offered at budget prices to attract customers from different social classes. The watches will be marketed to both male and female customers within the age bracket of 16 - 65 years. 2. Target Market The actual target m arket of JBR Collections is elite, upper – middle and middle – middle class groups because Los Angeles is a city of well-established rich consumers with an average annual income of $55,000 in 2009 – 2010 (Beacon Economics, 2010). Indeed, highly expensive elitist branded watches will be targeted to income groups having on average $70,000 and above per annum. The relatively high priced and affordable brands will be observed to middle – middle customers with an income range of $45,000 – 70,000 per annum. Finally, the low priced budget watches, local and imported, will be for lower – middle customers with an income of $20,000 – 30,000. 3. Product Indeed, it should be highlighted that the US economy is recovering from recession; therefore, new business opportunities have been created that could be utilized prudently to maximize financial gains. The products will be wristwatches, wall clocks and time pieces that are heavily demanded by indi viduals, households and businesses because a watch is a genuine need of a human being, thus having relatively inelastic demand. 4. Competition The value proposition of JBR will be â€Å"Premium watch collections at competitive prices†. Indeed, the showroom will be opened in well established City Shopping Center, which enjoys a strong customer base. For instance, the showroom will face intense competition with other watch showrooms located in LA in shopping malls such as Beverly Center Shopping Mall, Rodeo Drive, Two Rodeo, Century City Shopping Center and Westside Pavilion (LA Tourist Guide, 2011). Shops located in unorganized smaller markets will also give competition to JBR Collections. The only strategy to ensure business survival is to adopt penetration pricing strategies in first few months of operations because low introductory prices will help attracting many potential customers to JBR Collections. 5. Mission Statement To offer valued customers of Los Angeles City the high priced premium quality watch brands as well as budget price watches at affordable prices and to create value through meeting consumers’ watches demand and maintaining quality standards through strict control and after-sales-services. 6. Market Strategies 6.1 - Price JBR Collections has planned to use promotional pricing strategy in first three months after official inauguration of its new showroom. The reason behind it is the fact that it would like to attract maximum customers in first few mon
Monday, February 3, 2020
Unique Messages of The Cruci-Fiction Project and The Three Crosses Essay - 3
Unique Messages of The Cruci-Fiction Project and The Three Crosses - Essay Example The two artworks send messages to the audiences. In the Rembrandt artwork, the government crucifies the criminals. Similarly, the Gome-Pena and Roberto Sifuentes artwork show the collaborators’ crucifixion is meant to protest the strict immigration and discrimination policies of the United States and the Los Angeles police department. The two artists, Chicano Guillermo Gome-Pena and Roberto Sifuentes, collaborated to produce a popular project, The Cruci-fiction Project, during 1994 (Dutta 210). The Golden Gate Bridge democratic artwork shows their disgust over the procedural hindrances of the Immigration and Naturalization Services (INS). There are differences between the two artworks. The Gome-Pena and Roberto Sifuentes artwork show the authors were not really crucified. The collaborators were only acting. No one was hurt by the crucifixion. On the other hand, the Rembrandt van Rijn artwork shows Jesus Christ and the two thieves were nailed to the cross. The three individuals died. Further, the art form used differs. In the Rembrandt, a masterpiece is done using the print or etching venue. The venue involves the use of metal plates. On the other hand, the Gome-Pena and Roberto Sifuentes artwork use real human beings. The collaborators are actors. They play the three-hour crucifixion to dramatize their protests. During April 1994 event, the collaborators’ costumes represented the undocumented bandits trying to enter the United States. Further, Roberto depicted the gang members who were trying to enter the United States. The April 1994 event questions why prevailing United States sentiments blame the immigrants for the United States’ rising criminal activities.Â
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Examining The Business Sectors Of Projects Information Technology Essay
Examining The Business Sectors Of Projects Information Technology Essay This project is done individually and it is a research project. In this project we will look at two different large organisations and compare them with each other. The two companies I have chosen are part of the SATRIX top 40 on the JSE list. I have chosen the two most popular Cell phone providers in whole South Africa, VODACOM and MTN. Over the past years, these two companies became very successful and they grow more and more everyday. They both have been fighting against each other on who is the better and more successful provider in South Africa. I have researched a lot about the two companies and they both have a lot of differences. I made research on the shareholders of each business, the Corporate Social Responsibilities and Environmental Sustainability, the BBBEE Compliance and the Companies Performance of each business. This project will also show you which company complies more with the King 11 Report and Triple Bottom Line Reporting as well as the company which will be the best proposition for a prospective investor. CSR related Issues in South Africa The needs of our society in South Africa are called the CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility). Social Responsibilities are not only important in South Africa but also in the rest of our world. Social Responsibility is a very important part in many spheres of any business; examples are poor working conditions, dumping of waste or abuse peoples savings to enrich them. CSR addresses the legal, ethical, commercial and other expectations society has for business. The CSR needs to deal with shareholders, customers, suppliers, employees and other communities. Major issues are: Human rights Labour conditions Environmental impacts Operations Products and services In South Africa, growing demands are imposed on any type of society. Business needs to contribute to a huge extend to solve any problems which accrue in the business. In South Africa, CSR refers to operate and organize everything in a good manner. It can be measured be performance indicators, which include: less operating costs, advanced brand image, higher salary and employee retention. Environmental Issues In South Africa Environmental issues in South Africa are mainly caused by us humans who dont look after our environment and just do what they want to. People like that, dont really care about our nature and they just dont follow the rules which help our country to be cleaner and healthier. Most of those issues have a huge impact on us humans. Issues like that include; safer water supplies, population explosion and depletion. The problem with South Africa is that it is to over populate and the population needs to be cut down by quite a lot in order to have a better environment. There are many types of issues which we have in South Africa. Issues like climate change, land use, farming, nuclear issues and pollution are the most common issues in South Africa. But you get many other issues which affect our environment everyday. Stakeholders Stakeholders are the most important people in any business. Without them, its not possible to run any type of business. Every business has to have stakeholders. Stakeholders are the members of a business. You get 2 different types of Stakeholders, namely internal and external stakeholders. Internal Stakeholders: Employees Manager Owners External Stakeholders: Suppliers Society Government Creditors Shareholders Customers Social CSR Issues Different forms of CSR have been found in South Africa over the couple of years. Apartheid played a huge role in it to shape these programmes and to run them successfully. After the 1990s, South Africa ranked into the global economy and new dynamics and programmes have been added to the CSR. The CSR works its way though many policy debates and corporate agendas. The CSRs issues are very important to any type of business, because it helps you to be more successful and improve the working condition of each member. Major issues are: Human rights Labour conditions Environmental impacts Operations Products and services Yes, there are many more issues but those are the most important ones I have found and chosen. These issues are very important for each business doesnt matter what type of business it is. It helps to make your employees happier and make them feel comfortable at their working place. Environmental CSR Issues An environmental issue is the way how a human treats and looks after our environment. Its the humans who dont look after our environment and because of that; our environment is not in a great shape at the moment. Nature dies and animals are starting too die because us humans dirty the nature and environment. Environmental issues in South Africa are mainly caused by us humans who dont look after our environment and just do what they want to. Issues like that include; safer water supplies, population explosion and depletion. The problem with South Africa is that it is to over populate and the population needs to be cut down by quite a lot in order to have a better environment. More types of issues are; Climate change Dams Energy Land use Farming Nuclear issues Pollution If most of the people in South Africa would look after our environment a lot, we would have a great environment and the nature would be cleaner. But unfortunately, most of the population in South Africa dont care about their environment. They destroy our environment more and more day after day. BBBEE BBBEE (Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment) is a form of empowerment created by the South African government in order to make it even for blacks and whites. As you know, in South Africa we have Whites, Blacks, Coloureds and Indians. Most of the people in South Africa think that the white people should be supported more in getting a job. They think whites are the highest race in South Africa; they are at the top and think they better than the blacks or Indians. But its so not true. Every human, doesnt matter what colour their skin has every human should be treated the same in any way. Thats why the BBBEE plays a huge role in South Africa and its very often used by a lot of companies around South Africa. Every year, the country sets a vision statement by reaching some goals. Some of the goals include; 50% of management is black 40% of the total staff are woman I think that the BBBEE plays a huge role in South African businesses and it helps the business to have an equal amount of employees. They should have different races and genders and I mean a business is only going to be successful when there are different types of people in it. More ideas will come and the business will be more successful. Stakeholders The companies I have chosen are very large and they have a lot of stakeholders which work for the company. Vodacom Stakeholders Employees Shareholders Communities Business partners Regulators Customers Government Shareholders analysis Shareholder No of shareholders % No of shares 1-100 65798 69.14 2334687 101-1000 26016 27.34 7631889 1001-10000 2553 2.68 7206854 10001-50000 409 0.43 9814621 50001-100000 148 0.16 10787017 100001-1000000 204 0.21 59739289 1000001 and over 35 0.04 1390439643 Totals 95163 100.00 1487954000 The price of a share changes a couple of times per day. Share Current price % Change Time 5465 1.20 4.March The dividend a shareholder will receive is 36.00 cents per share. MTN Stakeholders Employees Regulators Shareholders Customers Communities Government Business partners Shares Current price % Change Time 11510 -0.77 3.March The dividend a shareholder will receive is 65.00 cents per share. Comment: Ive researched the different stakeholders the 2 companies have and the shares they each charge. At the end, it was MTN who sells his shares for much more money. The dividend MTN shareholders will get is more than double the amount you get from Vodacom. So, it is better at the moment to buy shares from MTN rather then from Vodacom. Responsibility towards Stakeholders Vodacom: Communities: Vodacom plans to improve the engagement processes further this year. Suppliers: Vodacom improved its BBBEE score from 55.2% to 68.0%, according to DTI Codes. Employees: Vodacom invested over R70 Million on training employees only. Vodacom tries his best to make it the most comfortable for their employees by improving the working conditions. HIV tests are regularly done. MTN: Employees: Created an awareness training 5 years ago, this improves year by year. Makes sure the employees are comfortable at their working place, so they will be able to work the best they can. HIV tests are made every month. Government: Government focuses on creating small groups to make it easier to work. Annual interviews conducted. Communities: Press conferences are held every week. Annual interviews conducted. Good education. Most Credible Policy Both companies, Vodacom and MTN, have very good policies which they follow all the time and try too improve them as much as they can. A big role in both companies is HIV/AIDS. They both test all their employees nearly every month and thats good to hear. It gives other workers more confident to work now that they cant get sick or infected by any viruses. But when I go more into detail, Vodacom has impressed me more. Theyve spent so much money on training employees and making their working place comfortable for them. Policy Projects of each Company Vodacom: Education project Health project Security project Penryn Mobile Lab Schola Amoris School Committee for Crime prevention Mahumani Empowerment centre Reagona Disability Unit SAICA NMMU Scholarship Cities of Africa Wits centre of Excellence Vodacom Education Project- the Company invests money to equip and educate young people with the skills they will need when they go out to the big world. Vodacom Health Project- the company invests quality health initiatives to develop to their full potential. It focuses on surgery, HIV/AIDS and feeding schemes. Vodacom Security Project- security is the secondary focus of the whole Vodacom foundation. Projects like Men against child abuse or committee for crime prevention were created. MTN: Yello Care South African Red Cross Fifa World Cup Cancer Research Centre Yello Care programme- a volunteer campaign that involves every employee in community building projects in addition to the MTN Foundation initiatives. Fifa world cup- MTN supports the fifa world cup 2010. A lot of money will be donated to the cancer research centre. At the last years qualification, every goal a team made, R10000 were donated to the cancer centre. Cancer Research Centre- MTN has made an agreement with United Nations Development programme to fight against cancer. Most Sustainable projects: Vodacom and MTN, both have a lot of projects created and most of them were really successful. But again, Vodacom has better projects and all of them were successful. Vodacom helped South Africa a lot more than MTN. Vodacom helped kids to have an education and get work. They also have created a health project which runs since 2008. BBBEE Policies Vodacom: Equity ownership Management control Employment equity Skills development Enterprise development Socioeconomic development Preferential procurement Management control- Black representation rose very high. More black people have joined the management team. Employment equity- Vodacom are adding hundreds of employees to their team every month. Year after year, more black people come and work at vodacom with the right education. Skills Development- over R90 million has vodacom spent on training employees only. R68 million were spent on Black Designated Groups. MTN: Increasing access to MTN procurement for blacks Increasing human resource and skill development Encouraging partnerships between Black enterprises Promoting economic transformation MTN has a license to promote Broad-based Black Economic Empowerment within South Africa through its procurement procedures. Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment was integrated with the tender rules and policies to assist disadvantaged communities. Companies Performance Vodacom: Group highlights: 16.5% growth in group customers to 39.6 million 10.5% growth in group EBITDA to R18.2 billion 28.8% growth in group data revenue to R6.4 billion BBBEE transaction completed in South Africa in October 2008 Acquired Gateway on 30 December 2008 Listed on the JSE Limited on 18 May 2009 R500 million spend by Vodacom Foundation in its first ten years Financial Information Summary of Vodacom MTN: Highlights: 90,7 million subscribers up 48% from December 2007 R102,5 billion up 40% from December 2007 R43,2 billion up 36% from December 2007 R904,4 cents up 33% from December 2007 Financial Information Summary of MTN Vodacom: Balance Sheet of Vodacom as at 31.March.2009 MTN: Balanced Sheet of MTN as at 30.April.2009 Conclusion The 2 companies I have chosen are South Africas biggest cell phone providers. Ive done a lot of research and came to a final conclusion. Both, Vodacom and MTN have positives and negatives but for me Vodacom is a better provide between the 2. Vodacom is more reliable, I can trust it more, it has many more projects done than MTN and its more successful. For me, Vodacom is the best cell phone provider in whole South Africa.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Lady Macbeth Essay
The tragic downfall of Shakespeare’s Macbeth can be attributed to his forceful ambition which leads him to commit terrible deeds, selfish greed and weakness that allows him to be easily manipulated. These influencing factors are nourished and encouraged by the three witches and the deceitful Lady Macbeth. Macbeth’s actions of murdering innocent children and women and his damning act of genocide show that he is primarily responsible for his own demise. Macbeths ‘ambition which overleaps itself’ leads him to commit heinous crimes that show his depravity and ultimately leads to his downfall. Macbeth lets his ‘ambition’ rule him and his decisions; his ambition comes before everything else. When he hears that Malcolm will be crowned prince of Cumberland he says ‘that is a step which I must fall down or else o’er leap, for in my way it lies’ this suggests that it is just a stepping stone on the way for him to become king. This ambition leads him to kill king Duncan without any real reason ‘I have no spur to prick the sides of my intent, but only Vaulting ambition’ and this act of genocide results in a downward spiral to his ruin. Macbeth’s selfishness causes him to be demanding with the witch’s supernatural powers and his own authority, when his greed for knowledge leads him to tell the witches to ‘stay you imperfect speakers, tell me more. ’ And demand them to speak to him a second time ‘speak I charge you’. The power that he has ‘played most foully for’ allows him to do what he wants as he thinks of it stating ‘the very firstlings of my heart shall be the very firstlings of my hand’. Once Macbeth realises he will be ‘king hereafter ‘ he wants nothing more than to kill king Duncan revealing in a soliloquy ‘stars hide your fires, do not let light see my dark and seep desires’. Once Macbeth gains power he will cease at nothing to guard it, he cannot stop his greed, and he is so caught up in his own selfishness that he does not even mourn his own wife. When he hears of her death he states ‘she should have died hereafter’. It is this selfishness that leads him to kill and leaves him with nothing to live for, becoming ‘the walking shadow’ that gives him the consequence of his ultimate downfall. Macbeth’s weakness in character causes him to be easily controlled and egged on by Lady Macbeth. He does not have the strength to resist against Lady Macbeth’s attacks on his manliness ‘when you said you will kill him then you were a man’ and her ockingly asking ‘art thou afeard? ’ as a result; Lady Macbeth influences Macbeth about the murder as well as scolding him. For instance, after she calls him a â€Å"coward†and compares him with herself in a humiliating manner, Macbeth decides to commit the dreadful murder. This shows his weakness in character, because his mind is conflicted; yet, his decisions, which result in a great tragedy, are his own but are heavily influen ced by his scheming wife. At the end of the play, the moral weaknesses of Macbeth are totally revealed along with his mental weaknesses. He is no more the worthy warrior of battle fields. Indeed, he is a paranoid king who copes with guilty hallucinations and tries to secure himself by killing innocent people. For example, in the banquet scene, he sees the ghost of Banquo whose death was ordered by Macbeth and the guests start to suspect his mental health and talk unpleasantly of him. This character flaw of Macbeth makes his manifesting downfall even more tragic. In sum it is Macbeths overriding ambition that rules him and allows him to think of nothing else, selfishness and weak character allows him to be played like a pawn by Lady Macbeth and shows that he is his own enemy with character traits that are taken to the limit and exploited until he became nothing but a shell of his previous self. If Macbeth did not have such domineering traits he would not have met the same fate of eternal damnation that he did.
Friday, January 10, 2020
The Number One Article on Go Tell It on the Mountain Essay Topics
The Number One Article on Go Tell It on the Mountain Essay Topics The 30-Second Trick for Go Tell It on the Mountain Essay Topics Rather than discovering the go tell it to the mountain essay topics continents again, try out a different strategy. And that hope provides you just enough strength to make it through another day. One of the greatest approaches to change anybody's mind is with an emotional investment. One of the greatest methods to convince anybody's mind is via an emotional connection. The whole first portion of the book is about the kids hoping to learn all about the Radley's. That's correct, in order to be successful, you will need to remain focused on what you really feel and are eager to devote your life to. The primary goal of writing an argumentative essay is to understand how to convince folks to modify their perception of things they strongly believe in. There have been a number of similar cases to the Tom Robinson trial in this time in history. Go Tell It on the Mountain Essay Topics Features Prospective parents ought to be asked to take parenting classes. They should pass different tests and supply their valid diplomas and certificates too. Students need to be careful about posting on social networking. John studies the movie posters on several theaters to learn which movie he'd love to see. Additionally, you get 10 days of absolutely free revisions. Which makes what happens in the current passage even more incredible. To understand the charact er of racism, you've got to dig deep. Know your enemy is a famous expression. Contrast any 2 works on a particular theme. Gangster rap for a sort of institutionalized racism in the audio market. Contrast any 2 characters from two individual works or with one definite work. Positive and negative effects of social networking on the battle against racism. Cyber-attacks are an essential intelligence tool for all nations. This is a suitable technique to utilize in highly polarized debates. Enhancing your vocabulary is necessary for composing well-written papers. To compose a terrific argumentative essay the students first must investigate several sides of the argument, which enables them to make an educated stance. Try a few of these topics. Don't be afraid to pick the most fascinating racism topic for you and get started broadening your intellectual horizons! All cities should provide absolutely free public Wi-Fi. First of all, you want to account an engaging story. We've been given the very good news. Biological weapons shouldn't be allowed. New York is a large and bustling city but it's heartless. Breastfeeding should be permitted in public places. Contraception needs to be banned for children. Child molesters ought to be put to death. Torture needs to be illegal. The Awful Secret of Go Tell It on the Mountain Essay Topics The important distinction is that the argumentative essay should demonstrate a discussion rather than a single opinion. This paragraph is quite important as it leaves the reader having the most immediate impression. Get in touch with us now to acquire expert essay writing help! Simply finding an excellent subject to speak about in a persuasive essay isn't enough to find a top grade. Failure to file your articles with your paper will lead to a failing grade on the assignment. The next 30 questions are debatable and will need to be studied thoroughly. It are different types of essay topics for students which are categorized in many sections so that you can easily chose the topic as per your need and requirement. Finding the most suitable arguments can help you prove your point and win. Here we should remind you to be sincere when responding to this question! This typically suggests that such topics ought to be written down in a sort of a sentence instead of a question. Now, you've got tons of topics to select from and lay down your thoughts on paper. John's distaste of the notion of pursuing the identical role epitomizes the conflict between both. This moment more frequently than not would bring about strong scolding even in the event the element of race proved not a factor, which it is here. Even in case you seek for assistance from a specialist, make sure they speak about something which will sound better while presenting your argument. There's a feeling of urgency in the words.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Comparison Between Alexander Ii and Iii Essay - 1572 Words
COMPARATIVE ESSAY BETWEEN ALEXANDER II AND III Tsar Alexander II and III while father and son had very different ambitions as Tsar and different view for the future of the empire. Alexander III succeeded to his father’s throne in 1894. His reign is looked upon by most historians as a time of repression that saw the undoing of many of the reforms carried out by his father. Certainly that was a time of great economic and social change but these had led, in the West of the nation, great pressure on political system. However Alexander was deeply suspicious of the direction in which his father had taken Russia and the internal reforms that he instituted were designed to correct what he saw as the too-liberal tendencies of his fathers reign.†¦show more content†¦In fact in 1859 there were in Russia 23 millions of serfs. Alexander made up his mind to abolish it from above before that it would be done from below, through revolution. In 1861 serfdom was emancipated and this was the most important event in 19th century of R ussian history. On the other way Alexander III after his father’s dead regarding the serfdom’s reforms decided to reduce the peasant representation in zemstva and the peasant representatives were appointed and no longer elected. Also the â€Å"Peasant Land Bank†was created to buy land from the lords and all the children from the lower-class were banned from secondary education. The Tsar, by a new statute in 1890, gave to the provincial governors ‘supervision over the correctness and legality of zemstvo institutions’. The reforms of the government are connected to the abolition of the serfdom. Russia was an under governed society, having many fewer civil servants than Britain. It was essential that local people, therefore, filled administrative roles. In 1864 Tsar Alexander II introduced new bodies in Russia, called zemstva. Zemstva were local governments located in outside city areas and the people who ran them were elected by the people from the v illage. The Tsar gave them power for make small reforms because he wanted to maintain his autocratic rule everywhere. The members were chosen by three electoral colleges,Show MoreRelatedStalin Was More Effective Than Any Other Ruler of Russia in the Period 1855 – 1964 in Dealing with Opposition. How Far Do You Agree?1007 Words  | 5 Pagesnecessary. Stalin ruled as absolute dictator of the Soviet Union throughout World War II and until his death in March 1953 Opposition to the tsars was ultimately more successful than the opponents of the communist regime. The abdication of Nicholas II in 1917 and the reasons why the Romanov dynasty fell can be compared to other key events such as the assassination of Alexander II and the 1905 revolution. 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