Sunday, January 26, 2020
Examining The Business Sectors Of Projects Information Technology Essay
Examining The Business Sectors Of Projects Information Technology Essay This project is done individually and it is a research project. In this project we will look at two different large organisations and compare them with each other. The two companies I have chosen are part of the SATRIX top 40 on the JSE list. I have chosen the two most popular Cell phone providers in whole South Africa, VODACOM and MTN. Over the past years, these two companies became very successful and they grow more and more everyday. They both have been fighting against each other on who is the better and more successful provider in South Africa. I have researched a lot about the two companies and they both have a lot of differences. I made research on the shareholders of each business, the Corporate Social Responsibilities and Environmental Sustainability, the BBBEE Compliance and the Companies Performance of each business. This project will also show you which company complies more with the King 11 Report and Triple Bottom Line Reporting as well as the company which will be the best proposition for a prospective investor. CSR related Issues in South Africa The needs of our society in South Africa are called the CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility). Social Responsibilities are not only important in South Africa but also in the rest of our world. Social Responsibility is a very important part in many spheres of any business; examples are poor working conditions, dumping of waste or abuse peoples savings to enrich them. CSR addresses the legal, ethical, commercial and other expectations society has for business. The CSR needs to deal with shareholders, customers, suppliers, employees and other communities. Major issues are: Human rights Labour conditions Environmental impacts Operations Products and services In South Africa, growing demands are imposed on any type of society. Business needs to contribute to a huge extend to solve any problems which accrue in the business. In South Africa, CSR refers to operate and organize everything in a good manner. It can be measured be performance indicators, which include: less operating costs, advanced brand image, higher salary and employee retention. Environmental Issues In South Africa Environmental issues in South Africa are mainly caused by us humans who dont look after our environment and just do what they want to. People like that, dont really care about our nature and they just dont follow the rules which help our country to be cleaner and healthier. Most of those issues have a huge impact on us humans. Issues like that include; safer water supplies, population explosion and depletion. The problem with South Africa is that it is to over populate and the population needs to be cut down by quite a lot in order to have a better environment. There are many types of issues which we have in South Africa. Issues like climate change, land use, farming, nuclear issues and pollution are the most common issues in South Africa. But you get many other issues which affect our environment everyday. Stakeholders Stakeholders are the most important people in any business. Without them, its not possible to run any type of business. Every business has to have stakeholders. Stakeholders are the members of a business. You get 2 different types of Stakeholders, namely internal and external stakeholders. Internal Stakeholders: Employees Manager Owners External Stakeholders: Suppliers Society Government Creditors Shareholders Customers Social CSR Issues Different forms of CSR have been found in South Africa over the couple of years. Apartheid played a huge role in it to shape these programmes and to run them successfully. After the 1990s, South Africa ranked into the global economy and new dynamics and programmes have been added to the CSR. The CSR works its way though many policy debates and corporate agendas. The CSRs issues are very important to any type of business, because it helps you to be more successful and improve the working condition of each member. Major issues are: Human rights Labour conditions Environmental impacts Operations Products and services Yes, there are many more issues but those are the most important ones I have found and chosen. These issues are very important for each business doesnt matter what type of business it is. It helps to make your employees happier and make them feel comfortable at their working place. Environmental CSR Issues An environmental issue is the way how a human treats and looks after our environment. Its the humans who dont look after our environment and because of that; our environment is not in a great shape at the moment. Nature dies and animals are starting too die because us humans dirty the nature and environment. Environmental issues in South Africa are mainly caused by us humans who dont look after our environment and just do what they want to. Issues like that include; safer water supplies, population explosion and depletion. The problem with South Africa is that it is to over populate and the population needs to be cut down by quite a lot in order to have a better environment. More types of issues are; Climate change Dams Energy Land use Farming Nuclear issues Pollution If most of the people in South Africa would look after our environment a lot, we would have a great environment and the nature would be cleaner. But unfortunately, most of the population in South Africa dont care about their environment. They destroy our environment more and more day after day. BBBEE BBBEE (Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment) is a form of empowerment created by the South African government in order to make it even for blacks and whites. As you know, in South Africa we have Whites, Blacks, Coloureds and Indians. Most of the people in South Africa think that the white people should be supported more in getting a job. They think whites are the highest race in South Africa; they are at the top and think they better than the blacks or Indians. But its so not true. Every human, doesnt matter what colour their skin has every human should be treated the same in any way. Thats why the BBBEE plays a huge role in South Africa and its very often used by a lot of companies around South Africa. Every year, the country sets a vision statement by reaching some goals. Some of the goals include; 50% of management is black 40% of the total staff are woman I think that the BBBEE plays a huge role in South African businesses and it helps the business to have an equal amount of employees. They should have different races and genders and I mean a business is only going to be successful when there are different types of people in it. More ideas will come and the business will be more successful. Stakeholders The companies I have chosen are very large and they have a lot of stakeholders which work for the company. Vodacom Stakeholders Employees Shareholders Communities Business partners Regulators Customers Government Shareholders analysis Shareholder No of shareholders % No of shares 1-100 65798 69.14 2334687 101-1000 26016 27.34 7631889 1001-10000 2553 2.68 7206854 10001-50000 409 0.43 9814621 50001-100000 148 0.16 10787017 100001-1000000 204 0.21 59739289 1000001 and over 35 0.04 1390439643 Totals 95163 100.00 1487954000 The price of a share changes a couple of times per day. Share Current price % Change Time 5465 1.20 4.March The dividend a shareholder will receive is 36.00 cents per share. MTN Stakeholders Employees Regulators Shareholders Customers Communities Government Business partners Shares Current price % Change Time 11510 -0.77 3.March The dividend a shareholder will receive is 65.00 cents per share. Comment: Ive researched the different stakeholders the 2 companies have and the shares they each charge. At the end, it was MTN who sells his shares for much more money. The dividend MTN shareholders will get is more than double the amount you get from Vodacom. So, it is better at the moment to buy shares from MTN rather then from Vodacom. Responsibility towards Stakeholders Vodacom: Communities: Vodacom plans to improve the engagement processes further this year. Suppliers: Vodacom improved its BBBEE score from 55.2% to 68.0%, according to DTI Codes. Employees: Vodacom invested over R70 Million on training employees only. Vodacom tries his best to make it the most comfortable for their employees by improving the working conditions. HIV tests are regularly done. MTN: Employees: Created an awareness training 5 years ago, this improves year by year. Makes sure the employees are comfortable at their working place, so they will be able to work the best they can. HIV tests are made every month. Government: Government focuses on creating small groups to make it easier to work. Annual interviews conducted. Communities: Press conferences are held every week. Annual interviews conducted. Good education. Most Credible Policy Both companies, Vodacom and MTN, have very good policies which they follow all the time and try too improve them as much as they can. A big role in both companies is HIV/AIDS. They both test all their employees nearly every month and thats good to hear. It gives other workers more confident to work now that they cant get sick or infected by any viruses. But when I go more into detail, Vodacom has impressed me more. Theyve spent so much money on training employees and making their working place comfortable for them. Policy Projects of each Company Vodacom: Education project Health project Security project Penryn Mobile Lab Schola Amoris School Committee for Crime prevention Mahumani Empowerment centre Reagona Disability Unit SAICA NMMU Scholarship Cities of Africa Wits centre of Excellence Vodacom Education Project- the Company invests money to equip and educate young people with the skills they will need when they go out to the big world. Vodacom Health Project- the company invests quality health initiatives to develop to their full potential. It focuses on surgery, HIV/AIDS and feeding schemes. Vodacom Security Project- security is the secondary focus of the whole Vodacom foundation. Projects like Men against child abuse or committee for crime prevention were created. MTN: Yello Care South African Red Cross Fifa World Cup Cancer Research Centre Yello Care programme- a volunteer campaign that involves every employee in community building projects in addition to the MTN Foundation initiatives. Fifa world cup- MTN supports the fifa world cup 2010. A lot of money will be donated to the cancer research centre. At the last years qualification, every goal a team made, R10000 were donated to the cancer centre. Cancer Research Centre- MTN has made an agreement with United Nations Development programme to fight against cancer. Most Sustainable projects: Vodacom and MTN, both have a lot of projects created and most of them were really successful. But again, Vodacom has better projects and all of them were successful. Vodacom helped South Africa a lot more than MTN. Vodacom helped kids to have an education and get work. They also have created a health project which runs since 2008. BBBEE Policies Vodacom: Equity ownership Management control Employment equity Skills development Enterprise development Socioeconomic development Preferential procurement Management control- Black representation rose very high. More black people have joined the management team. Employment equity- Vodacom are adding hundreds of employees to their team every month. Year after year, more black people come and work at vodacom with the right education. Skills Development- over R90 million has vodacom spent on training employees only. R68 million were spent on Black Designated Groups. MTN: Increasing access to MTN procurement for blacks Increasing human resource and skill development Encouraging partnerships between Black enterprises Promoting economic transformation MTN has a license to promote Broad-based Black Economic Empowerment within South Africa through its procurement procedures. Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment was integrated with the tender rules and policies to assist disadvantaged communities. Companies Performance Vodacom: Group highlights: 16.5% growth in group customers to 39.6 million 10.5% growth in group EBITDA to R18.2 billion 28.8% growth in group data revenue to R6.4 billion BBBEE transaction completed in South Africa in October 2008 Acquired Gateway on 30 December 2008 Listed on the JSE Limited on 18 May 2009 R500 million spend by Vodacom Foundation in its first ten years Financial Information Summary of Vodacom MTN: Highlights: 90,7 million subscribers up 48% from December 2007 R102,5 billion up 40% from December 2007 R43,2 billion up 36% from December 2007 R904,4 cents up 33% from December 2007 Financial Information Summary of MTN Vodacom: Balance Sheet of Vodacom as at 31.March.2009 MTN: Balanced Sheet of MTN as at 30.April.2009 Conclusion The 2 companies I have chosen are South Africas biggest cell phone providers. Ive done a lot of research and came to a final conclusion. Both, Vodacom and MTN have positives and negatives but for me Vodacom is a better provide between the 2. Vodacom is more reliable, I can trust it more, it has many more projects done than MTN and its more successful. For me, Vodacom is the best cell phone provider in whole South Africa.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Lady Macbeth Essay
The tragic downfall of Shakespeare’s Macbeth can be attributed to his forceful ambition which leads him to commit terrible deeds, selfish greed and weakness that allows him to be easily manipulated. These influencing factors are nourished and encouraged by the three witches and the deceitful Lady Macbeth. Macbeth’s actions of murdering innocent children and women and his damning act of genocide show that he is primarily responsible for his own demise. Macbeths ‘ambition which overleaps itself’ leads him to commit heinous crimes that show his depravity and ultimately leads to his downfall. Macbeth lets his ‘ambition’ rule him and his decisions; his ambition comes before everything else. When he hears that Malcolm will be crowned prince of Cumberland he says ‘that is a step which I must fall down or else o’er leap, for in my way it lies’ this suggests that it is just a stepping stone on the way for him to become king. This ambition leads him to kill king Duncan without any real reason ‘I have no spur to prick the sides of my intent, but only Vaulting ambition’ and this act of genocide results in a downward spiral to his ruin. Macbeth’s selfishness causes him to be demanding with the witch’s supernatural powers and his own authority, when his greed for knowledge leads him to tell the witches to ‘stay you imperfect speakers, tell me more. ’ And demand them to speak to him a second time ‘speak I charge you’. The power that he has ‘played most foully for’ allows him to do what he wants as he thinks of it stating ‘the very firstlings of my heart shall be the very firstlings of my hand’. Once Macbeth realises he will be ‘king hereafter ‘ he wants nothing more than to kill king Duncan revealing in a soliloquy ‘stars hide your fires, do not let light see my dark and seep desires’. Once Macbeth gains power he will cease at nothing to guard it, he cannot stop his greed, and he is so caught up in his own selfishness that he does not even mourn his own wife. When he hears of her death he states ‘she should have died hereafter’. It is this selfishness that leads him to kill and leaves him with nothing to live for, becoming ‘the walking shadow’ that gives him the consequence of his ultimate downfall. Macbeth’s weakness in character causes him to be easily controlled and egged on by Lady Macbeth. He does not have the strength to resist against Lady Macbeth’s attacks on his manliness ‘when you said you will kill him then you were a man’ and her ockingly asking ‘art thou afeard? ’ as a result; Lady Macbeth influences Macbeth about the murder as well as scolding him. For instance, after she calls him a â€Å"coward†and compares him with herself in a humiliating manner, Macbeth decides to commit the dreadful murder. This shows his weakness in character, because his mind is conflicted; yet, his decisions, which result in a great tragedy, are his own but are heavily influen ced by his scheming wife. At the end of the play, the moral weaknesses of Macbeth are totally revealed along with his mental weaknesses. He is no more the worthy warrior of battle fields. Indeed, he is a paranoid king who copes with guilty hallucinations and tries to secure himself by killing innocent people. For example, in the banquet scene, he sees the ghost of Banquo whose death was ordered by Macbeth and the guests start to suspect his mental health and talk unpleasantly of him. This character flaw of Macbeth makes his manifesting downfall even more tragic. In sum it is Macbeths overriding ambition that rules him and allows him to think of nothing else, selfishness and weak character allows him to be played like a pawn by Lady Macbeth and shows that he is his own enemy with character traits that are taken to the limit and exploited until he became nothing but a shell of his previous self. If Macbeth did not have such domineering traits he would not have met the same fate of eternal damnation that he did.
Friday, January 10, 2020
The Number One Article on Go Tell It on the Mountain Essay Topics
The Number One Article on Go Tell It on the Mountain Essay Topics The 30-Second Trick for Go Tell It on the Mountain Essay Topics Rather than discovering the go tell it to the mountain essay topics continents again, try out a different strategy. And that hope provides you just enough strength to make it through another day. One of the greatest approaches to change anybody's mind is with an emotional investment. One of the greatest methods to convince anybody's mind is via an emotional connection. The whole first portion of the book is about the kids hoping to learn all about the Radley's. That's correct, in order to be successful, you will need to remain focused on what you really feel and are eager to devote your life to. The primary goal of writing an argumentative essay is to understand how to convince folks to modify their perception of things they strongly believe in. There have been a number of similar cases to the Tom Robinson trial in this time in history. Go Tell It on the Mountain Essay Topics Features Prospective parents ought to be asked to take parenting classes. They should pass different tests and supply their valid diplomas and certificates too. Students need to be careful about posting on social networking. John studies the movie posters on several theaters to learn which movie he'd love to see. Additionally, you get 10 days of absolutely free revisions. Which makes what happens in the current passage even more incredible. To understand the charact er of racism, you've got to dig deep. Know your enemy is a famous expression. Contrast any 2 works on a particular theme. Gangster rap for a sort of institutionalized racism in the audio market. Contrast any 2 characters from two individual works or with one definite work. Positive and negative effects of social networking on the battle against racism. Cyber-attacks are an essential intelligence tool for all nations. This is a suitable technique to utilize in highly polarized debates. Enhancing your vocabulary is necessary for composing well-written papers. To compose a terrific argumentative essay the students first must investigate several sides of the argument, which enables them to make an educated stance. Try a few of these topics. Don't be afraid to pick the most fascinating racism topic for you and get started broadening your intellectual horizons! All cities should provide absolutely free public Wi-Fi. First of all, you want to account an engaging story. We've been given the very good news. Biological weapons shouldn't be allowed. New York is a large and bustling city but it's heartless. Breastfeeding should be permitted in public places. Contraception needs to be banned for children. Child molesters ought to be put to death. Torture needs to be illegal. The Awful Secret of Go Tell It on the Mountain Essay Topics The important distinction is that the argumentative essay should demonstrate a discussion rather than a single opinion. This paragraph is quite important as it leaves the reader having the most immediate impression. Get in touch with us now to acquire expert essay writing help! Simply finding an excellent subject to speak about in a persuasive essay isn't enough to find a top grade. Failure to file your articles with your paper will lead to a failing grade on the assignment. The next 30 questions are debatable and will need to be studied thoroughly. It are different types of essay topics for students which are categorized in many sections so that you can easily chose the topic as per your need and requirement. Finding the most suitable arguments can help you prove your point and win. Here we should remind you to be sincere when responding to this question! This typically suggests that such topics ought to be written down in a sort of a sentence instead of a question. Now, you've got tons of topics to select from and lay down your thoughts on paper. John's distaste of the notion of pursuing the identical role epitomizes the conflict between both. This moment more frequently than not would bring about strong scolding even in the event the element of race proved not a factor, which it is here. Even in case you seek for assistance from a specialist, make sure they speak about something which will sound better while presenting your argument. There's a feeling of urgency in the words.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Comparison Between Alexander Ii and Iii Essay - 1572 Words
COMPARATIVE ESSAY BETWEEN ALEXANDER II AND III Tsar Alexander II and III while father and son had very different ambitions as Tsar and different view for the future of the empire. Alexander III succeeded to his father’s throne in 1894. His reign is looked upon by most historians as a time of repression that saw the undoing of many of the reforms carried out by his father. Certainly that was a time of great economic and social change but these had led, in the West of the nation, great pressure on political system. However Alexander was deeply suspicious of the direction in which his father had taken Russia and the internal reforms that he instituted were designed to correct what he saw as the too-liberal tendencies of his fathers reign.†¦show more content†¦In fact in 1859 there were in Russia 23 millions of serfs. Alexander made up his mind to abolish it from above before that it would be done from below, through revolution. In 1861 serfdom was emancipated and this was the most important event in 19th century of R ussian history. On the other way Alexander III after his father’s dead regarding the serfdom’s reforms decided to reduce the peasant representation in zemstva and the peasant representatives were appointed and no longer elected. Also the â€Å"Peasant Land Bank†was created to buy land from the lords and all the children from the lower-class were banned from secondary education. The Tsar, by a new statute in 1890, gave to the provincial governors ‘supervision over the correctness and legality of zemstvo institutions’. The reforms of the government are connected to the abolition of the serfdom. Russia was an under governed society, having many fewer civil servants than Britain. It was essential that local people, therefore, filled administrative roles. In 1864 Tsar Alexander II introduced new bodies in Russia, called zemstva. Zemstva were local governments located in outside city areas and the people who ran them were elected by the people from the v illage. The Tsar gave them power for make small reforms because he wanted to maintain his autocratic rule everywhere. The members were chosen by three electoral colleges,Show MoreRelatedStalin Was More Effective Than Any Other Ruler of Russia in the Period 1855 – 1964 in Dealing with Opposition. How Far Do You Agree?1007 Words  | 5 Pagesnecessary. Stalin ruled as absolute dictator of the Soviet Union throughout World War II and until his death in March 1953 Opposition to the tsars was ultimately more successful than the opponents of the communist regime. The abdication of Nicholas II in 1917 and the reasons why the Romanov dynasty fell can be compared to other key events such as the assassination of Alexander II and the 1905 revolution. 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