Tuesday, August 25, 2020
The Layers of Mrs. Dubose in To Kill a Mockingbird Essay -- Kill Mocki
The Layers of Mrs. Dubose in To Kill a Mockingbird   â â â Toothpaste: it is comprised of such a large number of various fixings. You can take a gander at a container of toothpaste, study it, watch the shades of the plastic compartment and notice the size and state of it. You can figure all you need what's within, however you will never know until it is crushed. Individuals: they are comprised of such a significant number of various things. You can see them, study their practices, and watch their appearances. You can make numerous presumptions about what they're similar to within, yet you will never know their actual character until they are pressed. At the point when an individual is placed in a tight position it doesn't make their character, it uncovered it. In Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird there are a few characters that are available all through the book, yet one appears to show up all of a sudden in section eleven. Her name is Mrs. Dubose, and she has a fascinating character. It has a few layers that nearly should be s tripped away like an onion. Honesty is only one of the various layers of her character. Trustworthiness is the way an individual responds when they are being pressed. Mrs. Dubose has an exclusive requirement of ethics and she is consistent with them- - she strolls her discussion. She pays special mind to individuals other than herself. She is resolved. Mrs. Dubose is unquestioningly a lady of trustworthiness.  Mrs. Dubose shows uprightness by going to bat for her convictions. She has self-designated herself as the habits police, as per the principles she was raised with. The manner in which she was brought up youngsters were required to regard their folks and different seniors. Mrs. Dubose tries to call the children on it at whatever point they are carrying on of line as per her qualities. She shouts at Scout t... ...her life, a period that can be forlorn for an individual. It could be said, she is being crushed, similar to a container of toothpaste- - yet she remains solid. She despite everything keeps every one of her qualities, rather than tossing them out the window. Mrs. Dubose doesn't simply lounge around and watch the world go on, she attempts to have any kind of effect. She doesn't set up herself a pity party, troubling others with her issues. Rather, she chooses to make the most out of the time she has left in her life. She chooses to improve her life with the goal that she can kick the bucket having made every second count. Mrs. Dubose, in the entirety of her uprightness, is the most delicious sort of toothpaste there is.  Works Cited Johnson, Claudia. The Minor Charaters of Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird. Studies in American Fiction (1991):129-139. Lee, Harper. To Kill a Mockingbird. New York City, NY: J.B.Lippincott Company, 1990. The Layers of Mrs. Dubose in To Kill a Mockingbird Essay - Kill Mocki The Layers of Mrs. Dubose in To Kill a Mockingbird   â â â Toothpaste: it is comprised of such huge numbers of various fixings. You can take a gander at a container of toothpaste, study it, watch the shades of the plastic compartment and notice the size and state of it. You can figure all you need what's within, yet you will never know until it is pressed. Individuals: they are comprised of such a large number of various things. You can see them, study their practices, and watch their appearances. You can make numerous presumptions about what they're similar to within, however you will never know their actual character until they are pressed. At the point when an individual is placed in a tight position it doesn't make their character, it uncovered it. In Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird there are a few characters that are available all through the book, yet one appears to show up out of the blue in section eleven. Her name is Mrs. Dubose, and she has an intriguing character. It has a few layers that nearly should be stripped away like an onion. Respectability is only one of the various layers of her character. Respectability is the manner by which an individual responds when they are being pressed. Mrs. Dubose has an elevated requirement of ethics and she is consistent with them- - she strolls her discussion. She pays special mind to individuals other than herself. She is resolved. Mrs. Dubose is unquestioningly a lady of honesty.  Mrs. Dubose shows honesty by going to bat for her convictions. She has self-designated herself as the habits police, as indicated by the principles she was raised with. The manner in which she was brought up kids were relied upon to regard their folks and different seniors. Mrs. Dubose tries to call the children on it at whatever point they are carrying on of line as indicated by her qualities. She shouts at Scout t... ...her life, a period that can be desolate for an individual. It could be said, she is being crushed, similar to a container of toothpaste- - yet she remains solid. She despite everything keeps every one of her qualities, rather than tossing them out the window. Mrs. Dubose doesn't simply lounge around and watch the world go on, she attempts to have any kind of effect. She doesn't set up herself a pity party, troubling others with her issues. Rather, she chooses to make the most out of the time she has left in her life. She chooses to improve her life with the goal that she can bite the dust having made every moment count. Mrs. Dubose, in the entirety of her trustworthiness, is the most delectable sort of toothpaste there is.  Works Cited Johnson, Claudia. The Minor Charaters of Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird. Studies in American Fiction (1991):129-139. Lee, Harper. To Kill a Mockingbird. New York City, NY: J.B.Lippincott Company, 1990.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Full Faith and Credit Clause
I think the most overwhelming subject that strikes a chord including the Full Faith and Credit Clause of the U. S. Constitution revolves around â€Å"same-sex relationships. †The contention in this issue bases on whether a gay couple who gets hitched in Massachusetts would/ought to be perceived as legitimately wedded in some other state they move to. I am certain the composers of the Constitution would never have envisioned that some 200+ years after the fact, that the first expectation of Article IV Section 1 of the Constitution, the â€Å"Full Faith and Credit Clause,†might experience the investigation it has needed to suffer as of late. The word â€Å"marriage†implies just a legitimate relationship between one man and one lady as a couple, and the word â€Å"spouse†alludes just to an individual of the other gender who is a husband or a wife. The Constitution explicitly outlines that no State will be required to offer impact to any open demonstration, record, or legal continuing of some other State regarding a connection between people of a similar sex that is treated as a marriage under the laws of some other State, or any privilege or case emerging from such relationship. In the event that â€Å"same-sex marriages†have gotten legitimately satisfactory in certain states, at that point those couples ought to appreciate those advantages in the states wherein they are viewed as lawful. States are allowed the option to decide those laws that have impact on their own residents, and, should a gay wedded couple wish to dwell in a state where same-sex relationships are not legitimate by law in that state, at that point they should acknowledge the law in that state as authoritative on them. Any express that decides to not perceive same-sex relationships inside their own constitution absolutely has that directly under the Full Faith and Credit Clause. Until at such time somebody figures out how to challenge the lawfulness of the Clause, gay couples should leave themselves having the option to rehearse their picked way of life, yet without the advantages of such association in states where it is considered illicit. In further help of this issue, I accept that the Defense Of Marriage Act (DOMA) (1996) is illegal all over. DOMA abuses standards of equivalent insurance and fair treatment. A solid case can likewise be made that DOMA manhandles the Full Faith and Credit Clause and contradicts central standards of federalism. Since there are moderately comparable laws authorized in each of the 50 states, with just little contrasts between the greater part of them, I see no explanation that the Full Faith and Credit Clause ought to be held material to the issue of same-sex relationships. I think that its hard to envision how the Court could discover barring same-sex couples from the meaning of marriage unlawful without making an established prerequisite that equivalent sex couples be permitted to wed. In this manner, I accept that the Constitution ensures all of us the option to decide to wed the one we love. The way that they are of a similar sex ought not deny those people of similar rights and benefits of different residents simply on the grounds that it abuses a few people ethics or convictions. Since the Constitution itself doesn't really portray the meaning of marriage, I accept that all endeavors that deny gay individuals certain rights not in any case denied of others damages the soul of the Constitution, and misuses the Full Faith and Credit Clause in that.
Wednesday, August 5, 2020
Keep it simple, stupid
Keep it simple, stupid Yes, Ive read a bunch of books since my last post. No, I didnt feel like writing about them. Ill be back at school soon, where Ill actually have cool things to talk about. Im sure youre all excited. In the meantime, heres my latest MIT-induced headache: So I had this semi-epiphany where I kind of sort of maybe started thinking about majoring in 2A tailored for robotics. I started trying to re-work my fall schedule. I had this big list of about 10 different class combinations and had narrowed it down to a select few. My ideal schedule looked something like this: 2.001- Mechanics and Materials 6.081- Intro to EECS 8.033- General Relativity 24.900- Intro to Linguistics Only, as it turns out, 6.081, 8.033, and 24.900 are all at the exact same freaking time. Im not even joking. Of all of the hundreds (thousands?) of classes offered at MIT, three of the four I picked all have the same schedule. This kind of sucked, and opened up the floodgates of my hatred for those stupid HASS requirements. On the plus side, this led to a really funny conversation where I tried to explain all of this to my mom. Well, see I really wanted to take 24.900 because not only am I interested in the subject, but it fulfills two HASS requirements at once. On the other hand, it is offered every semester, so its not too big of a deal if I dont take it now. Id love to take 8.033 because Im really interested in it and I may minor in that subject, but its not a priority. The only thing is that its only offered in the fall, so if I dont take it now Ill have to wait until next year. At the same time, 6.081 is an experimental class, so its a complete wildcard, but given my new ideas about what I want to do with my life, it may or may not be required for my major. Mom: So take 24.900, it fulfills all the requirements. Laura: Yeah but I can just take it next semester so that may not be the best option. Mom: So take 8.033, if its only offered once a year. Laura: Well I may not even need that class, its not required for anything Im actually doing as of right now. Mom: Well screw that, take that one that starts with a 6 then. Laura: Listen, its not as simple as you just telling me what to take, ok? *pause* Mom: Hey Laura? Laura: Yeah? Mom: Could you just tell me what these classes are? The bottom line of the story is that I originally had about ten options. After narrowing it down to two or three, I realized there was a conflict, so I had to redo it. Now Im up to 17 combinations. I exaggerate, of course. Well, there technically are 17 different possible combinations at this point, but thats because I have seven HASS classes Im considering and havent narrowed it down yet. Of course, I do have it broken down into categories- those which fulfill a distribution requirement, those which fufill a communications requirement, those which will help towards one concentration Im considering (writing), and those which will count towards the other concentration Im considering (theater arts). This would all be so, so much simpler if only the HASS requirements werent so *!?$%^! stupid. Arrr. One really cool thing I stumbled across was 21M.604J. Take note, useful information here: the J at the end of the subject number indicates that this class is exactly the same as a class in a different major. Basically, 21M.604J = 21W.754J. Its a class in playwrighting, which means that it can count towards a concentration in either writing or theater arts, which is really cool considering I havent actually chosen between these two yet. =) In any case, its getting complicated. Here are the HASS classes Im thinking about: 17.20: Introduction to the American Political Process (HASS-D, CI-H) Studies American government, emphasizing the institutions of government and the representation of competing interests. Topics include the founding, constitutional interpretation, legislative processes, presidential power, public opinion and voting, group mobilization, political steering of the bureaucracy and the economy, and federalism. 17.30: Making Public Policy (HASS-D, CI-H) Examines how the struggle among competing advocates shapes the outputs of government. Considers how conditions become problems for government to solve, why some political arguments are more persuasive than others, why some policy tools are preferred over others, and whether policies achieve their goals. Investigates the interactions among elected officials, think tanks, interest groups, the media, and the public in controversies over global warming, urban sprawl, Social Security, health care, education, and other issues. 17.50: Introduction to Comparative Politics (HASS-D, CI-H) Examines why democracy emerges and survives in some countries rather than in others; how political institutions affect economic development; and how American politics compares to that of other countries. Reviews economic, cultural, and institutional explanations for political outcomes. Provides detailed examination of politics in the US, Germany, Italy, Mexico, and Iraq, with less detailed discussion of other countries in different regions of the world. 21M.600: Introduction to Acting Explores the actors tools: body, voice, mind, imagination, and the essential self. Through studio exercises, students address issues of honesty and creativity in the theatrical moment, and begin to have a sense of their strengths and limitations as communicating theatrical artists. Provides an opportunity for students to discover their relationship to the other in the acting partner, the group, the environment, and the audience. 21M.604J/21W.754J: Playwriting I Introduces the craft of writing for the theater. Through weekly assignments, in class writing exercises, and work on a sustained piece, students explore scene structure, action, events, voice, and dialogue. Examine produced playscripts and discuss student work. Emphasis on process, risk-taking, and finding ones own voice and vision. 21M.611: Foundations of Theater Practice Introduces the ideas, skills, and aesthetic issues which comprise the creation of the theatrical event. Guest artists and faculty members introduce the work of different disciplines such as directing, stagecraft, design, acting, dramaturgy, and criticism. Readings, in-class exercises, and scheduled work in design and/or performance studios help students understand and experience the basic creative impulse in each area. Each student develops a portfolio of analysis and research. 21W.755: Writing and Reading Short Stories Introduction to the short story. Students write stories and short descriptive sketches. Readings from European and American stories from the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries. Class discussion of students writing and of the assigned stories in their historical and social contexts. What do you think?
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