Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Understanding Organisational Culture - 752 Words

Organisational culture became popular in the 1980’s after the publication of Peter and Waterman’s best-selling book â€Å"In search of excellence†. It was made evident that company success had a strong correlation with organisational culture, thus competitive advantage for business. The concept of organisational culture is vastly growing in management and a subject of various research. According to the â€Å"Business dictionary† Organisational culture is defined as â€Å"The values and behaviours that contribute to the unique social and psychological environment of an organisation.† Cultures initiate when and external or internal problem is created and therefore the companies response to these encounters. This includes both culture creation and culture management. Culture creation addresses: Founder values, industry demands and early values and goals. This is maintained by: leadership, reward systems, new employees and attraction-selection attrition. It is vital that a company not only constructs their culture but preserves this through encouraging positive behaviours. Culture is not easily observable, however we can observe through: rituals, stories and language, rules and policies, physical layout and a mission statement. Culture can be measured through open ended questions, stories and scenarios, customized surveys and pre-tests, to measure the thoughts and feeling of how people see and view the organisation. The management consulting firm Bain Company was surveyed in 2007, andShow MoreRelatedUnderstanding organisational culture1329 Words   |  6 Pagesï » ¿Assignment 1 – Understanding your Organisation Due Date: 21 October 2009 WHD Organisational Chart - Figure 1 According to Mclean and Marshall (1993) organisational culture is defined as the collection of traditions, values, policies, beliefs and attitudes that contribute a pervasive context for everything we do and think in an organisation. 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